UHD / Registrar / Current Students / Records Requests / Excessive Hours/Enrollment Limit for Texas Residents
Excessive Hours/Enrollment Limit for Texas Residents
Texas Education Code § 54.014 specifies that undergraduate students who enrolled for the first time in Fall 1999 or later may be subject to a higher tuition rate if they attempt excess hours at any Texas public institution of higher education. This policy applies to students classified as:
- Texas residents
- Non-Texas residents, who have received a tuition waiver and pay resident tuition
How much is the excess tuition charge?
University of Houston-Downtown charges a tuition recovery rate of $80 per semester
credit hour in excess of the credit hour limit. Individual enrollment limit will be
determined according to the following schedule.
First Enrolled in a
Texas Public Institution of Higher Education
Enrollment limit
(Hours allowed in excess of those required for a degree plan before the fee is charged)
Prior to Fall 1999 | No Cap/No excess hour fee |
Fall 1999 through Summer 2006 | 45 hours |
Fall 2006 and later | 30 hours |
Which hours count and which do not?
Courses attempted at any Texas public institution of higher education will be counted
toward the excess hour calculation. These include:
- Courses in which a grade is earned and recorded on the transcript; these courses do not have to be part of the student’s degree plan
The following types of credit hours do not count toward the limit:
- Credit hours earned after completing a baccalaureate degree
- Credit hours earned through examination (AP or CLEP)
- Credit hours earned through remedial and developmental courses
- Credit hours taken at a private or an out-of-state institution
- Credit hours earned before graduating from high school and used to satisfy high school graduation requirements
- Credit hours excluded from the academic record under the Academic Fresh Start program
Access to Records
Although the State of Texas provides the University of Houston-Downtown with your
name, the exact number of hours over the limit is not provided to us. If you would
like to know the details regarding your hours attempted, please complete, sign the
Permission to Release Credit Hours form (or download the release form at www.uhd.edu/registrar/students), copy of valid picture
identification card and return it to the Registrar’s Office. We will then be authorized
to contact the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board on your behalf. When the
detailed information is sent to the university, we will forward it to your attention
so that you can confer with an academic advisor and check with the college of your
major to determine your individual degree plan requirements, and/or to determine how
degree plan changes may affect your enrollment limit status.
Submit the release form to the UHD Registrar's Office.
Please either bring the completed form to N330, fax or mail it to:
University of Houston-Downtown
Registrar’s Office
One Main Street, Suite N330
Houston, Texas 77002-1001
Phone: (713) 221 -8999
Fax: (713) 223-7438
E-mail: uhdrecords@uhd.edu
Waiver Requests
The Texas Education Code allows hardship waivers of the Tuition Recovery Fee. Requests
for waivers will be reviewed on a case by case basis using criteria specified in the
Texas Education Code by the Registrar’s office. An example to demonstrate hardship,
is if a student has submitted a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the University of Houston-Downtown. University of Houston-Downtown will use the
FAFSA to determine a student’s Student Aid Index (SAI). The SAI will be used to determine
if a hardship waiver is warranted.
If you have questions or concerns regarding completing your degree program, an academic
adviser will be able to assist you.
Review the Texas State Education Code
Review the Texas State Education Code (54.014 and 61.0595)
Policy on Premium Tuition Charges for Excessive Undergraduate Hours (aka: 45/30 Excessive
Hours/Enrollment Limit Rule)