The University of Houston-Downtown K-Pop dance club is a recreational club that spreads
the awareness of Korean pop music and dance around UHD and throughout the city of
Houston. The club will perform at UHD events, community events, club sport games,
and other special events. The club was developed to provide an opportunity for students
to showcase their talents to the university and community. Talents include K-Pop dance,
circus props, singing, juggling, and choreography.
Spring 2024 Information
*Interest Meeting: Jan. 23 at 4pm in WSC-103, The Marsh
Practice Dates: To Be Determined
Location: UHD Wellness and Success Center
Registration: Register online for the spring 2024 interest meeting
*All interested students must register online prior to interest meetings and attending
Eligibility Requirements
•Must be a student at UHD
•Must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) hours at UHD
•Must be in good academic standing at UHD
•Must be dedicated to attend all team practices and events
•Must pay a membership fee immediately upon making the team
Useful Links
•Latest Pictures
Contact Information
For more information on Sports & Fitness programs and services, please stop by the
Wellness and Success Center or call 713-221-8225. You can also email us at sports@uhd.edu.