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Academic Guidelines for UHD Students

The following guidelines are for UHD's fully online students whom instructors have designated one or all tests to be proctored and administered under the supervision of the Office of Testing Services.

  • Identification: Students will need to present a current, non- expired ID that contains a photo and signature. A GatorCard (UHD student ID), passport, state ID or driver's license are acceptable forms of ID. Students will not be allowed to test without an acceptable form of ID. If your student records do not match your ID, you will not be eligible to test. Official name changes must be made through the Registrar's Office weeks prior to your exam day. There are no exceptions.
  • Academic Honesty Policy: UHD has an Academic Honesty Policy, which can also be found in the class syllabus. The code states, "Students must be honest in all academic activities and must not tolerate dishonesty." This policy is strictly enforced in the Office of Testing Services.
  • Restroom Breaks: Students are advised to utilize the restroom facilities prior to entering the test room. Once test materials are distributed students are expected to complete the exam in its entirety, in one sitting. Once test materials are collected the test is considered completed, unless the instructor listed any exceptions.
  • Personal Belongings: All personal belongings not intended to be used for test-taking must be securely stored in provided lockers and out of reach during the testing time. This includes but not limited to: books, papers, all watches, cell phones, all electronic devices, purses, backpacks and hats. Food and beverages are not allowed in the testing center or room. No exceptions.
  • Children: Children are not permitted in the testing room, nor are unattended children allowed to remain alone in the service area. UHD police will be contacted and informed of any unsupervised, under age children in the service area.
  • Testing Material: The instructors will provide a list of all materials or the materials needed for the test. They will determine which testing instruments will be allowed (e.g. pen, pencil, scantron, blue book, and etc.) The instructors will also inform the students of their responsibilities on the test date. Only blank sheets of scratch paper and pencils are available at the Office of Testing Services. Test proctors are not authorized to override any portion of the instructor's directions and requirements.
  • Test Admission Process: All students must bring a printed copy of their confirmation ticket. This ticket is obtained thru their email account after registration thru testing services. Also, after verifying photo identification the student will be asked to sign next to their name. The signature must match their ID card and your UHD student ID number. A test proctor will assign seats to each student. After the exam is completed you will be signed out by the proctor.
  • Special Accommodations: Students who require testing accommodations need to file with the Accessible Education Center (AEC). Students are responsible for completing all required paperwork prior to scheduling an appointment. For more information go to the AEC website or call 713-221-5078. The AEC is located on the 3rd floor, room GSB314.
  • Conduct Violations: If a student violates the procedures established by the instructor or the directions of the testing center, the test proctor reserves the right to end their test session early. In this case the student must exit the testing area immediately. The test proctor will then inform the Director of Testing Services and document the test irregularity in writing to be forward to the instructor.  Any further discussion regarding the violation should be directed to your instructor.
  • Test Completion Time: The Office of Testing Services requires for most tests to begin at least 2 hours prior to closing. Once time has expired all test materials will be collected and the student will be dismissed.

Alternative Test Options: Students who are unable to attend UHD for their proctored exam may choose an option below:

Option #1:

UHD-Northwest Campus at LSC-University Park is now an option on the UHD RegisterBlast. Locate your term and select the term that says UHD-Northwest Campus.

Option #2:

Alternative Testing Site: For fully-online students who are interested in testing outside of UHD fill out the proctor agreemtn form. Find a suitable proctor from your local community college, college or university. Proctors may charge a fee for their services. Students are responsible for all fees incurred for the proctoring services. This form must be completed and scanned back to our office at, by the last day to register for finals.

Option #3:

ProctorU: For fully-online students who are interested in utilizing an online proctoring service, ProctorU monitors the student visually and audibly. Find more information on how ProctorU works. Students are responsible for all fees incurred for the online proctoring services.