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Graduate Hooding Ceremony


If you have any questions, please contact:

Emily Leffler

University of Houston-Downtown Graduate Hooding Ceremony will take place in person on May 10, 2025 at 3 PM in the Wellness and Success Center. This is an opportunity for all graduating Master’s degree earners to be formally “hooded” by their program faculty with the graduate regalia before commencement. This ceremony DOES NOT REPLACE commencement, but is rather a complementary event that offers a more intimate celebration for Master’s degree earners.

Be a part of the Graduate Hooding Ceremony! Click below to reserve your spot by Tuesday, April 22, 2025!


Visit our YouTube channel and watch previous videos of these ceremonies and stay updated on all our graduation events and celebrations.

Visit our YouTube Channel

Visit our Hooding Memories webpage to explore programs, Padlet messages, and photos from the ceremony!

Hooding Memories

*Students who are completing graduate certificates will not walk in graduation and do not need regalia or hoods.
Degree Discipline
Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAC) Drab
Master of Science, Artificial Intelligence (MSAI) Science Gold
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Drab
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Light Blue
Master of Educational Leadership (MEDL) Light Blue
Master of Science, Data Analytics (MSDA) Science Gold
Master of Science, Criminal Justice (MSCJ) Science Gold
Master of Arts, Non-Profit Management (MA) Peacock Blue
Master of Arts, Rhetoric and Composition (MARC) White
Master of Security Management (MSM) Drab
Master of Arts, Strategic Communication (MASC) Crimson
Master of Science, Technical Communication (MSTC) White
Graduate Certificate No Regalia

Celebrate Our Graduates! Post Your Messages Below!


Regalia for the hooding ceremony may be purchased now through Herff Jones online

Hood colors:

The color of the hood felt is determined by the discipline of study of your earned degree (e.g. business, data analytics, education, etc.). When you order your regalia, it is important to indicate your degree discipline in order to secure the correct color.

If you have questions or need further information about the Hooding Ceremony, please email Emily Leffler, Executive Director, Academic Affairs at


  • Have your hood ready and unhook the clasp
  • Bring your Marshal card, which you'll receive during check-in
  • Line up behind your dean in order (check your marshal card for position number)

  • Follow the ushers to the stage when your college is called
  • Hood draped over left arm with point in front, Marshal card in right hand
  • Hand your marshal card to the Dean at the podium and walk across the stage to the hooding position
  • When your name is announced walk across the stage to the hooding position
  • Then hand your hood to the faculty member by the point and after being hooded, shake hands or hug faculty
  • Continue across the stage to shake hands, hug or fist bump with the Provost and smile for a photo
  • Proceed down the ramp and back to your seat at the direction of the ushers, then you may be seated
  • Photos will be taken on stage of each graduate, and you'll receive an email from "Flash Photography" to order photos after the ceremony

  • Follow the platform party and faculty in two lines beginning with row 1 during the recessional
  • Attend the reception on the plaza between the Wellness Center and the Sciences & Technology building following the ceremony

  • Yes! Family and friends are welcome to attend. We have plenty of space in the Wellness & Success Center, so no tickets are needed and there is no limit to the number of guests.

  • The May ceremony is just under one hour, and the December ceremony is approximately 90 minutes. The December ceremony accommodates both August and December graduates.

  • The Daly Lot just north of the Wellness Center is available for parking. We have shuttles running from the parking lot to the Wellness & Success Center for your convenience.

    Hooding Parking Map

    hooding parking map

  • Silence cell phones during the event