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Secondary Teacher Preparation Program

Become a High School Teacher (Secondary Program)

The Department of Urban Education in conjunction with the English, Math, Science and History Departments offers the Secondary Teacher Preparation Program. This program is designed to allow participants to prepare for and obtain certification as a 7th-12th grade teacher in one of the four core subjects listed above.

The Secondary Program provides you with three semesters of experience working with 7-12 grade students before graduation. This experience gives you an advantage when applying for jobs after graduation. Taking the secondary program route provides you with advantages when it comes to taking the certification exams.

Interested students should contact their current program advisor or CPS Advising Services and express their interest in the Secondary Teacher Preparation program. The advisor will provide you with a copy of the relevant degree plan.

You can also contact the CPS Advising Center at 713-221-8906, or the Department of Urban Education at 713-221-2759 to obtain more information.