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William Joseph "Dr. Joe" Kortz Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is designed to help support students in the teacher education program at the University of Houston-Downtown. Specifically, the scholarship will help each recipient to purchase a computer or any other electronic device as needed to support the student’s education. This award can be used also to purchase textbooks.
Awards will be made in the amount of $600.00 per student once a year in the spring semester. Two scholarships will be awarded.
When an award is made to a student the funds will be placed for that student in the University of Houston-Downtown Scholarship account. A recipient of this scholarship will have one academic year in which to spend his or her award. 
(Extended Deadline: Fourth Friday in March to May 2)

Requirements for receiving the scholarship:

  • Be officially admitted to the Urban Education program and have a minimum of 12 SCHs completed at UHD.
  • Have a minimum 3.0 GPA. 
  • Demonstrate a high degree of professionalism, a commitment to teaching in urban schools, and community involvement.
  • Write an essay
Note: The applicant needs to provide ALL his/her student-issued colleges transcripts.
***Previous awardees are ineligible***  

The Joe Kortz Application Essay will include the following:

TITLE:  William Joseph ‘Dr. Joe’ Kortz Memorial Scholarship Essay 
It should be 500 words in length, double space, and size 12 font including:
  • Career objectives
  • Community service in which you may have been involved within or outside course requirements
  • Special honors and awards you may have earned
  • Outside activities and family commitments
  • Other personal information which you would like to share

Scholarship applications will be due on the "fourth Friday in March."
For more information contact Dr. Sarah Albrecht at or 713-222-5384

Accountability of students who receive the award: 

Students who receive the award will be required to write a letter to the William Joseph “Dr. Joe” Kortz Memorial Scholarship committee giving an account of their activities and learning experiences related to receiving the award. This letter will be due no later than Monday November 28, 2022
The letter should be submitted to the William Joseph “Dr. Joe” Kortz Memorial Scholarship Committee in the College of Public Service, c/o  Dr. Sarah Albrecht These letters will be with shared with the Kortz family and used to seek additional funding for the scholarship.

Complete the Application Below