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Urban Education Scholarship

This scholarship is designed to help support students in the teacher education program at the University of Houston-Downtown. Specifically, the scholarship will assist students with course and textbook fees during any one (1) of the three (3) semesters in which they are taking their Professional Development Sequence; that being the two semesters in which they are serving as interns in public schools and the one semester in which they are student teaching. A student may receive the scholarship for one semester. Awards are based on available funds and should not be expected as a matter of course.

Designation Code



  • Students who have been officially admitted to the program and who will register for PDI, PDII, or Student Teaching
  • Students who will be taking 9-12 hours of course work as described above
  • Students who have a minimum 2.7 GPA
  • Students who have demonstrated a high degree of professionalism and a commitment to teaching in urban schools
  • Students will be identified and nominated by the faculty of the Department of Urban Education.
  • When a student has been nominated by the faculty of Urban Education he/she will complete a letter of application of 1200 words including outside activities and family commitments, special honors and awards received, community service, career objectives, and other pertinent information about self

Donation Options

Cash, check, credit, or payroll deduction


College of Public Service




Applications should be submitted each year by the extended deadline: Fourth Friday in March to May 2.
October 10 for funding for the upcoming spring semester