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Alternative Work Arrangements

The University of Houston-Downtown endeavors to foster a work environment that maximizes productivity and flexibility for supervisors and staff. To promote general work and campus space efficiencies, the University may permit or direct employees to follow alternative work arrangements for all or part of the workweek.

At the discretion of the University, employees may be allowed short- or long-term alternative work arrangements, provided they continue to serve their customers effectively and efficiently and meet established institutional and departmental goals. Alternative work arrangements may include flexibility associated with work locations, modalities and/or schedules, as outlined on this page.

Alternative Work Arrangements Options

  1. Hybrid Work (Working at an alternate work location for up to two days per week)
  2. Remote Work (100% remote work)
  3. Alternate Work Schedules (e.g., 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
  4. Compressed Workweek (e.g., 4 10-hour days per week)
  5. Occasional Alternate Work Arrangements (Working at an alternate work location occasionally)

  1. Determine if your position is eligible for alternative work arrangements by reviewing the Alternative Work Options webpage.
  2. Complete Training Access Portal (TAP) training. (Detailed instructions can be found in the Access Training section.)
    • Employees requesting an Alternative Work Arrangement are required to complete one Training Access Portal (TAP) course. For FY 24, this course is #AW2401. However, previous year AWA course completions are acceptable (i.e. #AW2201, #AW2301).
    • Supervisors whose direct reports request alternative work arrangements are required to completed an additional Training Access Portal (TAP) course. For FY 24, this course is #AW2402. However, previous year course completions are acceptable (i.e. #AW2202, #AW2302).
    • Employees and Supervisors only need to complete TAP training courses once. TAP training does not need to be completed yearly.
  3. Complete LinkedIn Learning courses. (Detailed instructions can be found in the Access Training section.)
    • Employees requesting an Alternative Work Arrangement are required to complete at least one hour of remote work training per fiscal year.
    • Supervisors whose direct reports request alternative work arrangements are required to complete at least one additional hour of learning activities that focus on effectively managing remote employees.
    • New LinkedIn Learning courses must be completed each year.
  4. Complete the Alternative Work Agreement form after completing the applicable trainings.
    • Alternative Work Agreements will be accepted year-round, but must be renewed at the beginning of every fiscal year.
    • Staff members who submit an Alternative Work Agreement after August 1 will receive a revised suite of parking options if their Alternative Work Agreement is approved.
  5. If your request is approved, you may begin working at your alternate work location as agreed and for the period indicated.


To enroll in AW2501 and/or AW2502:

  1. Login to PASS (not TAP).
    • Employees in a supervisor role must switch from "Manager Self Service" to "Employee Self Service" from the top left menu.
  2. Click the "Training" tile.
  3. Select "Request Training Enrollment" located on the left menu.
  4. Select "Search by Course Number".
  5. Enter "AW2401" or "AW2402" then click "search".
  6. The course will be displayed. Select the "View Available Sessions" hyperlink.
  7. Select session "0001".
  8. Select "Continue".
  9. Select "Submit".
  10. Select "OK".

You will receive an email confirming your enrollment request. The course(s) will be available to complete in your TAP portal on the day after the enrollment request is submitted.

To access AW2501 and AW2502:

  1. Log in to TAP using your UHD credentials.
  2. Complete AW2501 and/or AW2502.
    • Please note, these courses will become available to you on the day after you submit your enrollment request. They will not be available immediately.
  3. After you complete each training, save the email confirmation as your proof of completion. You will need to attach them to your Alternative Work Agreement form. Because you only need to complete the TAP training(s) once, not once per year, we advise you to save these confirmations in a convenient location so you can easily access them each year.

LinkedIn Learning

  1. Navigate to LinkedIn Learning.
  2. Click Sign in.
  3. Enter your username followed by
    1. If you have NOT linked your LinkedIn Personal Account to LinkedIn Learning, you will be directed to sign in with your SSO credentials (step 3).
    2. If you HAVE linked your LinkedIn Personal Account to LinkedIn Learning please skip to step 6.
  4. Log in with your standard UHD SSO credentials.
  5. If you choose to link your LinkedIn personal account to LinkedIn Learning, you will be prompted to enter the password to your personal LinkedIn account.
  6. Log in with your standard username and password.
  7. Complete at least one hour of training from each category that applies to you:
    1. Employees requesting an alternative work arrangement: Working Remotely (Non-Managers).
    2. Supervisors whose direct reports request alternative work arrangements: Working Remotely (Managers).
  8. After you complete each training, save the email confirmation as your proof of completion. You will need to attach them to your Alternative Work Agreement form.

All employees are encouraged to review UHD's Alternative Work Arrangements Policy. All employees requesting an alternative work arrangement and all supervisors whose direct reports request an alternative work arrangement must review this policy.

Hybrid parking options will only be made available to employees once their AWA application has been fully approved. Please note: there may be a 24-hour delay for the parking portal to update once an application has been approved.