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PS-03.A.21 - Experiential Courses

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Effective Date: 11/22/2024

Issue #: 6

President: Loren J. Blanchard

1. Purpose

1.1. This policy statement (PS) states the University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) policy and procedures relating to all forms of credit-bearing experiential courses. Experiential courses reinforce and complement student's academic training and grant semester credit hours which apply toward the graduation requirements of certain degree programs.

2. Definitions

2.1. Experiential course: a course where students participate in organized activities to reinforce their academic training by applying it to practical situations. Such courses include, but are not limited to, work placements offered by external organizations, and are typically called internships, practicums, or field experiences.

3. Policy

3.1. Careful monitoring and appropriate academic assignments must ensure that credit hours granted for experiential courses are comparable in academic and professional requirements to those granted for more traditional academic course work.

3.2. Whether or not an external organization oversees student participation in an experiential course, participating students must be supervised by an approved field instructor of record at the University.

3.3. Students may or may not be compensated for the work they complete during their experiential course. The University cannot ensure compensation.

3.4. Students wishing to enroll in any experiential course must meet the following requirements: (1) departmental approval (2) good academic standing; and (3) all criteria laid out in applicable state and federal guidelines, and by organizations that provide the work placement, if applicable.

3.5. If an experiential course is essential to the completion of the program of study, the responsible department or program must inform students in advance that their ineligibility for field placement may result in their inability to complete the program, especially when professional accreditation is required.

3.6. Syllabus and Selection Requirements

3.6.1. Departments or programs must use standard language required of all syllabi at UHD for each experiential courses, plus rules of conduct for students during the course and policies for students who are dismissed before completing the course for reasons beyond the control of the University.

3.7. Selection Requirements

3.7.1. Departments or programs must develop and make available written procedures for the selection of students entering into experiential courses. The procedures must be filed with the appropriate dean and the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.

3.8. Student performance in an experiential course must be graded based on deliverable results that may include, but are not limited to, completed hours, completed projects, and/or written reports. The grading method in an experiential course is typically S/U. Experiential courses which result in a letter grade must ensure that the syllabus identifies specific assignments other than the logged hours, assessed directly by the instructor which merit a letter grade.

3.9. No more than twelve semester credit hours from experiential courses may be applied toward graduation.

3.10. Each department or program must establish written descriptions of responsibilities for faculty supervisors including contact with students, contact with employment supervisors, and assessment of student progress and performance.

3.11. The workload of faculty members teaching experiential courses is governed by the language on one-to-one courses in PS 10.A.04 Faculty Teaching Workload.

3.12. The Impact Learning Office, in consultation with the University Curriculum Committee and the Office of the Provost, will develop and publish standard application forms for students interested in enrolling in an experiential course.

3.13. Credit for field experiences completed prior to the semester of enrollment is not allowed.

4. Procedures

4.1. The student must secure prior approval of the department chair or program director in whose area the experiential course is being offered.

4.2. Each program will provide students with information on the process for applying for and enrolling in a field experience course for academic credit, in keeping with published university deadlines and processes.

5. Review Process

Responsible Party (Reviewer): Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Review Period: Every five years on or before May 1, and as necessary

Signed original on file in Human Resources.

6. Policy History

Issue #1: 06/16/83

Issue #2: 03/01/86

Issue #3: 10/09/89

Issue #4: 03/15/99

Issue #5: 04/11/00

Issue #6: 11/22/24 (this issue)

7. References

PS 10.A.04 Faculty Teaching Workload

8. Exhibits

There are no exhibits associated with this PS.