2021 T&L SYMPOSIUM Recordings
Keynote Presentations
Keynote Workshop One: The Science of Learning and Why It Matters for Post-Pandemic Teaching
Keynote Workshop Two: Inclusive Teaching through Active Learning
Sponsored in part by
Track 1: Post-Pandemic Pedagogy
P1: "We're All in This Together: Teambuilding Online"
E. Trufan & E. Bouhoutsos-Brown
P2: "A Conversation with Brothers in Arms: Harris County Sheriff's Office Jail"
J. Harris, H. Laser, & L. Valencia
P3: "Collaborate & Engage: How Design Thinking Tools Can Facilitate Synchronous Instructional
N. Poggio
P4A: "How to Create Rich Feedback in Writing-Intensive Courses"
L. Hagen
P4B: "Challenges and Opportunities of Flipped Learning through an On-Line High Impact
Practice Course:
Post-Pandemic Pedagogy at its Best!"
A. Goins, T. Williams, D. Hannah, & G. Brew
Track 2: Inclusive Pedagogy
P5: "How 'Free' is OER, Really?"
K. Jager
P6: "HHMI SynergIE Program Initiatives for Inclusive Pedagogy"
A. Visbal, L. Morano, C. Kang, M. Minard, S. Dixit, & S. Ge