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Teaching Tips for Student Success Video Series

Teaching Tips for Student Success Video Series

Georges Detiveaux Boosting Attendance at Web Meetings
Dr. Theresa Case
Supporting Deeper Thinking with Low Stakes Written Exercises
Dr. Kendra Mhoon Online Course Consistency: The Benefits of Structured Modules

About the Series

At the CTLE we frequently hear faculty share about how they are supporting student success through their unique application of effective teaching strategies. To capture these tips for success and share them with a larger audience, we are launching this new video series. Each short video will include a teaching tip presented by a UHD faculty member or instructional support staff member. If you are interested in sharing a strategy that you have developed to support student success in your courses.

About the Video

DURATION: 1-3 mins

TOPICS: The range of possible topics to cover in these videos is broad. Consider sharing your unique application of strategies that you have encountered in peer-reviewed publications or during professional development opportunities, such as those offered by the CTLE. In addition, we will work with you to identify evidence presented in peer reviewed publications that support the strategy you share.

PROCESS: First, please use the web form to submit a topic idea and other initial information. If/when your topic is selected, we will contact you to assist with capturing and editing your video.

Why to Participate

Your contribution to this effort supports the goal of continuing and expanding the great tradition of excellence in teaching and learning at UHD. Videos produced as part of this program will be featured on the CTLE website and in our new quarterly newsletter. We look forward to highlighting the excellent work you are doing!

You will have the option to record your video on a personal device or to use our recording studio. Either option will come with dedicated technical support to ensure that your video is professionally produced.