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Learning Continuity

Program Overview

As part of a Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) initiative, UHD, through the Office of the Provost, is working with faculty to enhance learning continuity through transformed digital learning. As a key part of this effort, the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) is coordinating the creation of course design elements aligned to Quality Matters standards and Learning Continuity Objectives. Through this alignment, we seek to enhance and bring stability to the learning experience for all students and across all modalities at UHD. To that end, faculty participating in this program identified one or more of the learning continuity objectives outlined below and developed an aligned course design element utilizing evidence-based practices. 


QM Categories

Learning Continuity Objective

QM Rubric Std.

Course Overview & Introduction

LC1: Provide clear instructions detailing the purpose, task(s), and success criteria for assignments and activities.

1.1, 1.2, 1.3

LC2: Introduce and normalize use of the LMS and key digital learning tools.

1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9

Course Content

LC3: Communicate how learning outcomes align with course activities, assignments, and assessments.

2.3, 2.4, 3.2, 4.2

Course Activities & Learner Interaction

LC4: Provide guidelines for digital and offline communication.

5.3, 5.4

Course Technology

LC5: Utilize active learning approaches that leverage digital learning tools.


LC6: Replace physical resources with flexible and accessible digital resources where possible.


Learner Support

LC7: Refer students to academic support resources via an online course guide or syllabus.

7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4

LC8: Design for equity, access, and care through incorporating universal design for learning (UDL) principles.

8.3, 8.4



Be a Part of the UHD Learning Continuity Project

Learning Continuity Project - Proposal Form


Explore Course Elements

Click Learning Continuity Objective titles below to view video demonstrations, how-to-guides, and other resources for aligned course elements created in Canvas and through integrated digital tools like Perusall or Padlet. The resources were created to help you facilitate similar design elements in your courses.

Communicate Transparently Icon 
LC1: Communicate

Provide clear instructions detailing the purpose, task(s), and success criteria for assignments and activities.

Normalize Digital Learning Icon 
LC2: Normalize
Digital Learning

Introduce and normalize use of the LMS and key digital learning tools.

Emphasize Outcomes Icon 
LC3: Emphasize

Communicate how learning outcomes align with course activities, assignments, and assessments.

Facilitate Discourse  
LC4: Facilitate

Provide guidelines for digital and offline communication.


Maintain Active Learning Icon 
LC5: Maintain
Active Learning

Utilize active learning approaches that leverage digital learning tools.

Provide Flexible Resources Icon 
LC6: Provide
Flexible Resources

Replace physical resources with flexible and accessible digital resources where possible.

Highlight Academic Support Icon 
LC7: Highlight
Academic Support

Refer students to academic support resources via an online course guide or syllabus.

Design for Equity, Access, and Care Icon 
LC8: Apply Universal
Design for Learning (UDL)

Incorporating universal design for learning (UDL) principles to optimize digital education for all learners.