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Resource: Office Hours

office hours IconResource: Office Hours 

Learning Continuity Alignment:

LC IconLC4 - Facilitate Discourse 

Provide guidance for digital and offline communication.

LC IconQM5.3:

The instructor’s plan for interacting with learners during the course is clearly stated.  


Including an Office hours page within Canvas facilitates professor-student interaction. The resource page comprises several components, including a brief 5-minute video explaining office hours, a video screencast demonstrating how to access online office hours via Zoom, a Calendly link enabling students to schedule ad hoc meetings outside of designated office hours, and a series of reflection guides. 

These reflection guides are designed as checklists, allowing students to self-assess their planning, implementation, and evaluation of their learning in various significant course activities. These practices can be applied to a broad range of courses, ensuring that the grading system aligns with the course's intended goals without adding unnecessary complexity. The ultimate goal is to provide clarity and simplicity in guiding students through their learning journey. 


Stephanie Coleman, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology
Faculty Demonstration

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